Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Barack Obama’s State Of The Union Ratings Continue To Decline Down 12% From 2011 of the O.C. Congress members react FACT CHECK Obama's 2012 KUHNER Obama and lunatic left Keystone Kops energy policy speech reveals plan for ever bigger government After three arguments housing Details about at University Michigan on Friday Letters Uses Speech to Rebuff GOP Attacks pushes plans that flopped before Romney calls 'detached from reality' during Orlando visit In says registers 8th grade reading level... Gingrich unimpressed with Praises Military in Shows Few Opportunities Congressional Action Derby City Cents Blog | What was talking when he mentioned Louisville

Analysis: Obama speech puts him in campaign arena President Barack Obama, having watched his Republican adversaries pound him for weeks, got his turn Tuesday, using his State of the Union speech to land the first major counterpunch of the still-forming 2012 election. After Obama speech, three arguments for housing President Barack Obama said in his State of the Union speech that he wanted to help struggling homeowners refinance their mortgages. The Republicans who want his job say the government should get out of the way of the housing market. Obama's State of the Union speech offers campaign-trail pitch The White House quietly stored up a package of populist political proposals for Tuesday's State of the Union speech, including several proposals that would reverse policies held by President Barack Obama since 2009. Science Education Experts Respond to Obama's Speech Science Education Experts Respond to Obama's Speech Resurgent Auto Industry Ripe for Obama's Speech It may be no coincidence that President Obama borrowed General Motors' slogan "Built to last" when he previewed his State of the Union address for supporters in a video message last week. What Obama Hopes To Change With His State of the Union Speech When President Obama delivers his fourth annual address to Congress, he'll no doubt exploit the prime-time exposure to tick off a loooooooooong list of accomplishments from his first term. Then he'll recite another lengthy list: the things he hopes to achieve in the future. But he won't mention the biggest thing he wants his speech to do: Help him get re-elected in November. Obama Speech to Embrace Manufacturing Rebirth as Job Creator President Barack Obama tonight will lay out what he calls a "blueprint" for revitalizing the economy, emphasizing a rebirth for U.S. manufacturing, bolstering domestic energy production and training workers. UPDATE 2-Mixed reviews for Obama speech among Davos mighty * Top execs divided over Obama speech * Soros backs higher taxes for rich * Others criticize the "politics of envy" (Adds comment from George Soros, others) DAVOS, Switzerland, Jan 25 (Reuters) ... La. oil officials dissatisfied with Obama speech A day after President Barack Obama's State of the Union speech, petroleum industry representatives called Wednesday for a more-aggressive energy development policy, saying the United States could take care of more of its petroleum needs while cutting dependence on unstable foreign oil supplies. Mitt Romney ridicules Obama in advance of speech TAMPA â Mitt Romney, appearing in a cavernous closed factory here, ridiculed President Obama this morning as a failed leader who pursues bad policies, blames others, and can do little right aside from delivering a nice-sounding speech.
Key Words: obama speech


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